01 November 2015

Valley Forge, 1778 - Oaths of Allegiance

Oaths of Allegiance
Valley Forge, 1778

On February 3, 1778, Congress, having taken into consideration the report of the special committee appointed to devise effectual means to prevent persons disaffected to the interest of the United States from being employed in any of the important offices thereof, resolved, That every officer who held or should thereafter hold a commission or office from Congress, should subscribe the oath or affirmation of allegiance.  These oaths or affirmations the commander-in-chief or any major or brigadier-general was authorized and directed to administer to all officers of the army or of any of the departments thereof.  Those mentioned in the following list (with a few exceptions) took the oath at Valley Forge in the spring of 1778 before that encampment was broke, and who undoubtedly were members of the army actually in camp at Valley Forge the ever memorable winter of 1777-1778.  The names are given in the order in which they appear in the volumes of original manuscripts from which they are taken.
Oath of Allegiance – 1 Oath of Allegiance – 2 Oath of Allegiance – 3 Oath of Allegiance – 4 Oath of Allegiance – 5 Oath of Allegiance – 6 Oath of Allegiance – 7 Oath of Allegiance – 8 Oath of Allegiance – 9 Oath of Allegiance – 10 Oath of Allegiance  
Source:  "The Army and Navy of the United States 1776-1891", George Barrie Publisher, Philadelphia, 1890.
John Parks, lieutenant 13th Penna. regiment.
John Gregg, lieutenant 13th Penna, regiment.
Joseph Brown Lee, lieut. 13th Penna. regt.
Edward Spear, ensign 13th Penna. regiment.
William Johnson, ensign 13th Penna, regt.
Joseph Collier, ensign 13th Penna. regiment.
Jacob Weaver, ensign 13th Penna. regiment.
Thomas Lincoln, ensign 13th Penna. regt.
Daniel Topham, ensign 13th Penna. regt.
Andrew Little, qr. mas. 13th Penna. regt.
Joseph Brown, surgeon 13th Penna. regiment.
Aaron Woodruff, surg. mate 12th Penna. regt.
Nicholas Miller, captain 12th Penna. regt.
Henry McKinley, captain 12th Penna. regt.
John Reily, captain 12th Penna. regt.
Neigal Gray lieu. col 12th Penna. regiment.
Andrew Ledlie, surgeon 12th Penna. regt.
Thomas Dungan, paymaster l2th Penna. regt.
Andrew Engel, ensign 12th Penna. regt.
Stewart Herbert, 2d lieu,. 12th Penna. regt.
Stephen Chambers, captain l2th Penna. regt.
George Vaughan, qr, mas. 12th Penna. regt.
William Ball, lieutenant 12th Penna. regt.
John Boyd, lieutenant 12th Penna. regiment.
James Mackey, 1st lieut. 11th Penna, regt.
Samuel Dawson, captain 11th Penna. regt.
William Magaw, surgeon 9th Penna. regt.
Thomas Bartholomew Bowen, captain 9th Pennsylvania regiment.
Jacob Vaaderslice, lieut. 9th Penna, regt.
Sam. Platt, surgeon's mate 9th Penna. regt.
Robert McBride, lieutenant 9th Penna, regt.
George Knox, quartermaster 9th Penna. regt.
Jacob McClellan, captain 9th Penna, regt.
Nicholas Coleman, lieutenant 9th Penna. regt.
Samuel Davis, lieutenant 9th Penna, regt.
Francis Nichols, lieutenant 9th Penna. regt.
John McKinney, lieutenant 9th Penna. regt.
William Vanlear, lieutenant 9th Penna. regt.
Richard Butler, colonel 9th Penna. regt.
Daniel Danrough, lieutenant 9th Penna. regt.
John Bickham, 9th Penna. regiment.
William Thompson, adjutant 9th Penna. regt.
George Grant, captain 9th Penna. regiment.
Thomas L. Swyler, ensign, 9th Penna. regt.
John Ashton, lieutenant 9th Penna. regt.
John Davis, captain 9th Penna. regiment.
John Tate, paymaster 9th Penna. regiment.
Mordecai Morgan, 1st lieut. 9th Penna. regt.
Mathew Henderson, captain 9th Penna. regt.
Frederick Vernon, major 8th Penna, regt.

Nathaniel Welch 2d lieu,. 2d Va. regiment.
Benjamin C. Spillar, captain 2d Va. regt.
James Quarles, captain 2d Va regiment.
Thomas Quarles, ensign 2d Va, regiment.
John Baytop, ensign 2d Va. regiment.
William Evans, lieutenant 10th Va. regiment.
John Hackley, ensign 10th Va. regiment.
William Stirling Smith, qr. mas. 10 Va. regt.
John Roberts, surgeon 6th Va, regiment.
Charles Simms, lieut.-col. 6th Va. regiment.
James Mabon, lieutenant 6th Va, regiment.
Richard Apperson, captain 6th Va, regiment.
Simon Summers, adjutant 6th Va. regiment.
John Stokes, lieutenant 6th Va. regiment.
William Hudson, lieutenant 6th Va. regiment.
John Gibson, colonel 6th Va. regiment.
Christian Sandridge, qr, mas. 6th Va. regt.
Thomas Massie captain 6th Va. regiment.
James Barnett, lieutenant 6th Va. regiment.
Samuel Hopkins, major 6th Va. regiment.
John Kennon, paymaster 6th Va. regiment.

Jacob Snider, lieutenant 2d Penna, regiment.
John Bankson, captain 2d Penna. regiment.
Christian Stoddle, captain 2d Penna. regt.
Henry Piercy, 1st lieutenant 2d Penna. regt.
Abel Morris, lieutenant 2d Penna, regiment.
James Johnston, paymaster 2d Penna. regt.
William McMurray, 2d lieut. 1st Penna. regt.
William Williams, major 2d Penna. regiment.

John Best, lieutenant 1st Va. regiment.
James Meriwether, lieut, 1st Va. regiment.
Windsor Brown, captain 1st Va, regiment.
Epaphoditus Rudder, lieu,. 1st Va. regt.
William Brent, lieut: col. 1st Va. regiment.
John Allison, major 1st Va. regiment.
John Lee captain 1st Va regiment.
Thomas Ewell, major 1st Va. regiment.
Thomas Hamilton, 1st Va. regiment.
William Campbell, lieutenant 1st Va, regt.
John Triplett, lieutenant 1st Va, regiment.
Peter Stubblefleld, lieutenant 1st Va. regt.
John Nicholas, captain 1st Va. regiment.
Thomas Meriwether, captain 1st Va. regt.
Frederick Woodson, lieut,. 1st Va. regiment.
John Cole, 2d lieutenant 2d Va. regiment.
Thomas Parker, lieutenant 2d Va, regiment.
Francis Cowherd, lieutenant 2d Va. regiment.
John Crawford, lieutenant 2d Va, regiment.
Thomas Catlett, lieutenant 2d Va, regiment.
Benjamin Hoomes, captain 2d Va. regiment.
William Porter, ensign 2d Va. regiment.
Marcus Calones, captain 2d Va. regiment.
John Kennon, lieutenant 2d Va, regiment.
Alexander Parker, captain 2d Va. regiment.
Samuel Cobb, lieutenant 2d Va. regiment.
James Moody, lieutenant 2d Va. regiment.
Christian Febiger, colonel 2d Va. regiment.
Ralph Falkner, major 2d Va, regt.
Robert Beall, captain 13th Va. regiment.
Thomas Moore, lieut. 13th Va. regt.
Lewis Thomas, Lieutenant 13th Va. regiment
Andrew Lewis, ensign 13th Va. regiment
Daniel De Benneville, surgeon 13th Va. regiment
Richard Campbell, major 13th Va. regiment.
Nathan Lamb, lieutenant 10th Va. regt.
John Green, colonel 10th Va. regiment.
Thomas Hord, lieutenant 10th Va. regiment.

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