25 October 2015

A Journal - McGaheysville - Elkton, Virginia Area

Miss Lottie Davis

November 1931 came in on Sunday.
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  1 Nov 1931 - Produce men from Baltimore stop H.L. [This may be Herman Longley as he had rental cabins across the road from  Church of Solsburg.]
  3 Nov 1931 - Ladies at Busy Bees served dinner and supper in the Bear building taken in $51.30 cleared $35.00.
  5 Nov 1931 - Made apple butter second time.
  6 Nov 1931 - New road open across mountain.
  8 Nov 1931 - Mable & Earl spent day here Sun[day].
  7 Nov 1931 - Miss Annie Lucas married Sat[urday].
  7 Nov 1931 - Miss Thelma Walton married Sat[urday].
10 Nov 1931- Started on patched apron.
14 Nov 1931 - Chas. [Charles] Fogle and his Aunt Georgie had tonsils removed.
14 Nov 1931 - Mrs. Townsend and Margaret Hammer had tonsils removed Sat[urday].
14 Nov 1931 - Mr. Brown operated on foot.
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13 Nov 1931 - Annie Downey and Rex Shifflett married Friday.
19 Nov 1931 - Gorden Lough operated at Charlottesville.
18 Nov 1931 - Dean boy hurt on Mountain.
18 Nov 1931 - Milard [Millard?] Morris killed on mountain Wed[nesday] age 17 years 2 mo. 17 days.
21 Nov 1931 - Ladies Aid had Window Sale at Dentons.
22 Nov 1931 - Mr. Robert Morris died 61 years old.
22 Nov 1931 - Mrs. Gorden Lough new baby boy.
28 Nov 1931 - Lelia had tonsils removed by Dr. Preston on Sat[urday].
28 Nov 1931 - Had glasses fixed by Armentrout cost $1.40.
25 Nov 1931 - Turkey Merica lost job at Craft House.
19 Nov 1931 - Dr. Marshall killed on Spotswood Trail.
26 Nov 1931 - Mrs. Baugher left for Washingtpon, D.C.
18 Nov 1931 - Miss Pauline Farror operated on Wed[nesday].
30 Nov 1931 - Miss Pauline Farror came home.

December 1931 came in on Tuesday. 
  1 Dec 1931 - Ladies Aid met at Mrs. McGuire.
  1 Dec 1931 - Mr. Dick Baugher operated on.
  4 Dec 1931 - Lelia goes back to Dr. Preston office.
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  3 Dec 1931- Lee Cepal pulls first tooth Tues[day]
  9 Dec 1931 - First snow fell on Wed[nesday].
  8 Dec 1931 - Cydone Sallie play at school house.
16 Dec 1931 - Got hogs from Uncle Luther weigh 416#.
23 Dec 1931 - Mr. Keezle paralized in left side on Thurs.
23 Dec 1931 - Miss Lin  Hammer died on Thurs.
28 Dec 1931 - Emanel Morris killed himself twenty-one years old.
30 Dec 1931 -  Mr. Ed Monger hurt taken to hospital.
31 Dec 1931 - Spent afternoon with Mabel.
24 Dec 1931 - Conrad Davis married.

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