22 May 2016

The Journal of Miss Lottie M. Davis for September - October 1933

Miss Lottie M. Davis
If you  remember when I first started printing the "Journal of Miss Lottie M. Davis" on my website at www.BillieJoMonger.com I cited her family lineage in order  to verify that the entries were authentic based upon her personal ability to have known the individuals in her journal entries who lived in the eastern part of Rockingham County. At the time, it was frustrating not to positively be able to identify or document her "Dean" family connection as L.W. and I both have Dean families in each of our own lineages.

I also understand that many of you are most probably very tired of me "harping" on the different types of documentation used when establishing or proving a lineage... Death Certificates are considered secondary evidence because they are written or compiled upon evidence provided after a person's death...meaning the evidence was given by someone who may not have been in a position to fully understand all of the facts [grandchild, etc.].  A Marriage Certificate or Marriage License is considered a primary document or evidence because it was written or compiled upon facts given by an individual person regarding his or her own self. Also please note that in many families called names were used by family and close friends [Polly is a called name for Mary and Sally is a called name for Sarah. Harry is also a called name for Henry, etc.]; however, in some cultures they are used as given names.  What all this "boils down to" is that no one should ever assume anything about anyone.

This week I received a note from Mr. David Davis, a collateral descendant of Miss Lottie, which follows: "I have made a recent discovery that provides new information on Lottie Davis's ancestry. As you have listed, [and] for many years I supported the idea that Cora's mother was Mary A. Dean. This was supported by Cora's death certificate. This week, I located Cora and Frank's marriage license which lists her mother as Polly Breeden. I believe that this Polly Breeden is the daughter of Sanford and Elizabeth Samuels Breeden. All of whom appear on the 1850 and 1860 census living in Page County."

Do I need to tell any one how very thrilled I was to receive this fantastic piece of information from David???  Words are inadequate to "Thank" David for sharing this wonderful document with all of us who have so enjoyed the "doings" in the Elkton and surrounding area as found in the Journal of Miss Lottie M. Davis.
Gravestone of Miss Lottie M. Davis
September 1933
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  4 Sep 1933 - One of Clint Shifflett's twins died.
  7 Sep 1933 - Earl and Mabel goes to Richmond.
  3 Sep 1933 - Mr. H. Naylor operated on.
 11 Sep 1933 -  Mrs. Frank Thomas died age 68 years.
      Sep 1933 - Mrs Homer Thomas goes to Dr. about eyes.
 12 Sep 1933 - Mrs. M.V. Leap Sale.
 13 Sep  1933 - Started Mrs. C.C. Leap work.
 12 Sep 1933 - Mr. Charles Orey killed self and shot wife age 33.
 17 Sep 1933 - Aunt Mary Samuel funeral 84 years 5 months.
      Sep 1933 - Ms. Nellie Herringg left McGuire.
*11 Sep 1933 - Lewis Workman tonsils taken out.
 6 Sep 1933 - Mrs. Ralph Eppard operated on.
*18 Sep 1933 - Louis  Workman goes back to hospital.
  15 Sep 1933 - Miss Lelia Merica tonsils taken  out.
  16 Sep 1933 - Mrs. Almond dies age 82 years.
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  19 Sep 1933 - Miss Ruth Workman goes to Hospital.
  11 Sep 1933 - Mr. Good taken sick.
  17 Sep 1933 - Mr. A S. Bader died 85 years old.
  20 Sep 1933 - Ruth Workman operated on.
*21 Sep 1933 - Lewise Workman came home.
  19 Sep 1933 - Mrs. Rouderbush died.
  23 Sep 1933 - Anna Powell new baby.
  26 Sep 1933 - Homer Eppard child died.
      Sep 1933 - Mr. Will Shifflett moved.
  [Note:The variant spelling of Mr. Workman's first or given name is indicated by the three asterisk's [*] above.  Spelling did not become unified in our area until basically after WW II. In 1933 it was still normal to spell words as they sounded to the person doing the writing.]
October 1933
Page 92
 1 Oct 1933 - Miss Maggie Blose died 71 years 10 months.
 2 Oct 1933 - Frankie Hammer wreck.
 2 Oct 1933 - Kenneth Simmons killed age 19 years Harry Simmons boy.
 2 Oct 1933 - Mrs. Richard Morris operated on.
6 Oct 1933 - Miss Carter Cover married in New York City.
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 6 Oct 1933 - Mrs. Effie Leap new phone.
 8 Oct 1933 - Went to Lelia for dinner.
 7 Oct 1933 - Richard Morris had wreck at Jackson home colored.
 11 Oct 1933 - Mr. Will Shifflett home sold.$190060  to Merchant Groc.[Grocery]. [Note:Most probably this amount was meant to be $1,900.60, but she may have also meant it to be $1960.00 - we must remember that this was during the depression.]
13 Oct 1933 - Grace and Ray went to her Grandma.
12 Oct 1933 - Lelia made applebutter 18 gal [gallons].
    Oct 1933 - Beulah got stove from Harold.
12 Oct 1933 - Harold had ceiling fixed.
19 Oct 1933 - Lucil [Lucille] Harrison operated on.
14 Oct 1933 - Painter started coming.
21 Oct 1933 - Mr. Harry Reed killed him self.
24 Oct 1933 - Brownie Flick and Helen Hutton married.
23 Oct 1933 - Harold new paper. [Note: Evidently Harold had the room re-papered after he had the ceiling repaired.
22 Oct 1933 - Jack Morris new baby.
27 Oct 1933 - Frankie Hammers goes to pen.
30 Oct - 1933 Mr. Calvin Blose died.
[To be continued...]

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