04 September 2016

Journal of Miss Lottie M. Davis - November - December 1934

View From Skyline Drive
November – December 1934
November 1934
Page 110
  4 Nov 1934 – Went on Skyline Drive.
  6 Nov 1934 – Got thread for B. [Bed] Spread.
  6 Nov 1934 -  Harold get new scale.
  8 Nov 1934 – Harold new phone.
10 Nov 1934 – Miss Helen Miller married.
18 Nov 1934 – Grany went to Chas. Leap.
18 Nov 1934 – Lelia’s children and I went on mountain. [Children of Miss Lottie's sister, Lelia Davis, who had married Clark Monger. Most probably Rachel Monger, daughter of Clark's deceased brother, Jett Monger, also went along as she was now considered part of Clark and Lelia's family.]
12 Nov 1934 – Started B.[Bed] Spread.
16 Nov 1934 – Alma Hammer in Hospital.
21 Nov 1934 – Mrs. J.L. Maiden died age seventy-four years.
20 Nov 1934 – Mr. Dan Zetty died.
29 Nov 1934 – Mrs. Will Herring died age fifty-nine years.
Adolph Hilter, President of Germany 1934
Page 111
December 1934
 1 Dec 1934 – River out of banks . Truck overturned.
 3 Dec 1934 – Graney and Harold had settled up.
 5 Dec 1934 – Paid L.H. Brice $12.50 for coal.
 6 Dec 1934 – N. Wilson Davis Store burned. Thursday.
11 Dec 1934 – Got hog from Uncle Luther 276lbs.  $18.94
10 Dec 1934 – Snowed all day Monday.
13 Dec 1943 – Mrs. Helen Downey Bear new baby.
14 Dec 1934 – Mrs. Helen Downey Bear baby died.
12 Dec 1934 – Miss Josephine Hammer died age seventy-eight.
  8 Dec 1934 – Clark get off. [Clark Monger]
21 Dec 1934 – Shenandoah School House burned.
14 Dec 1934 – First supper in new church. $106.00.
24 Dec 1934 – Helen D[owney] Bear came home.
27 Dec 1934 – Clark and Lelia family takes supper with us. {Clark and Lelia Davis Monger family]   
31 Dec 1934 – Sarah Morris died age twenty-three.
John Wayne Movie Poster

1 comment:

  1. Join me at www.BillieJoMonger.com as the year 1934 draws to a close. This is the year that brought forth much unforeseen change in the world as Adolph Hitler became President of Germany. John Wayne was making westerns and cars were the up and coming means of transportation. Let’s once again visit the eastern part of Rockingham County, Virginia through the Journal of Miss Lottie M. Davis. As in all small communities, people were still struggling to make the best of the “Great Depression.”
