18 January 2016

A Little Book of Value

Are you a math person?  Are you a creative person?  Or, perhaps, you are one of those rare individuals who are both? 

Have you ever wondered what education was like in the days of not so long ago?

In the fall of 1953, when I was in the 3rd grade, my grandfather sat down each evening to teach me the multiplication tables.  He also used this time to reminisce by relating stories about his childhood adventures.

One day back in the early 1980’s, I happened to be in Mr. Russell M. Weaver’s office in Harrisonburg, when out of the blue, Mr. Weaver turned to me and said, “My one regret in life is that I could never hit a baseball like your grandfather.”  Without a moment’s hesitation, I turned to see if someone else had entered the room while I had been absorb in examining the old documents Mr. Weaver had recently found.  Finding no one, I realized that I was about to learn something very special about my grandfather’s life.  Mr. Weaver went on to say that, “everyone held their breath when C.A. came up to bat as they all knew that the ball was going to be hit so hard that it would go out of bounds.” A smile spread across his face as he relived old forgotten memories. Then, he proceeded to tell me a few other things about my grandfather and his family that I did not know.

Our conversation reminded me that I had several leather bound school books in my collection.  Even today, I vividly remember unpacking each of those old volumes when I returned home that day and I still treasure each of those wonderful, old books. But on that day, one book in particular caused my eyes to midst over with unshed tears.  It was a math book which had been originally published in Philadelphia in 1801.  This book had been revised many times as I held a copy of the 1834 edition in my hands.  As I opened the cover, I was surprised to find that it stated on the first page that it was written in “Federal Money.”

As I thumbed through the book, I could not help but wonder what in the dickens was “Federal Money.”  When I looked closer, I found that each math problem was followed by the correct answer.   I could not help but smile as I realized that this was a teacher’s edition.  Now, there were two questions which ran through my mind: “Who would have used this sort of book?” and “How did it compare with today’s educational standards?” 

If such a volume was printed and used in Philadelphia as was stated on the front page and was also used this early in our own Shenandoah Valley, it must have been a basic educational tool of its day…sort of like the “Dick and Jane” series of books which were used to teach reading from the 1930’s through the early 1960’s or perhaps like the earlier McGuffey Readers.

By checking internet sources I discovered that this was a revision of a book which had been written ca. 1801 and had stayed in print until ca. 1900. Obviously it had a wide circulation and had influenced many young people during the ninety-nine years it was in print.
What a crucial time in our nation’s history for such a book to be in print. The printed reviews indicated that men such as Abraham Lincoln [whose grandparents lived in Rockingham County], Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall” Jackson, Robert E. Lee, Turner Ashby, Nathan B. Forrest as well as most all of the men of that era would have been taught mathematics from this one basic source of knowledge.  Add to this, the men who mapped the frontier like Jedediah Hotchkiss, the men who opened the west by using what they had learned from this book in computing the dimensions for forts, the length and widths of bridges, and men such as my own grandfather who more than likely had received his mathematical education from this particular volume.  He and many of his family members and friends had worked on the railroad while maintaining their own farms  within our Shenandoah  Valley.

A lot of useful information is found in this little [4” x 6 ½ “] leather volume which opens by explaining that, “Arithmetic is the art of computing by numbers.  It has five principal rules for its operations; viz. numerations, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.  It further states that Numeration teaches to write or express numbers by figures, and to read numbers thus written or expressed.”

It continues to explain the following:
 “ A unit is a single one.
   A ten is ten units
   A hundred is ten tens.
   A thousand is ten hundreds
   A million is ten hundred thousand”

It also states in a note on the same page “that as it takes ten hundred thousand to make a million, when a number is expressed greater than a thousand, and less than a million, we use tens of thousands, or hundred of thousands, or both, as the care requires.  Likewise to express a number, greater than a million, we employ tens of millions, or hundreds of millions, etc.”

An example of a problem of addition is found on page 11 and is as follows:
“The distance from Philadelphia to Bristol is 20 miles; from Bristol to Trenton, 10 miles, from Trenton to Princeton, 12 miles, from Princeton to Brunswick, 13 miles, from Brunswick to New York, 30 miles.  How many miles from Philadelphia to New York?  Answer: 90”

An example of simple subtraction is found on page 13 and is as follows:
“A person had in his desk 1000 dollars.  He took out 120 dollars to pay a debt.  He afterwards put in 75 dollars.  How much was there then in the desk?  Answer: 955 dollars”

Page 13 states that, “multiplication teaches to find what a number amounts to when repeated a given number of times.  The number to be multiplied is called the multiplicand.  The number to multiple by is called the multiplier.  The number produced by multiplying is called the product.  The multiplies and multiplicand are also called factors.”

Page 14 cautions, “that the scholar should commit the following Tables to memory before he proceeds further.”  The multiplication table to the 12th power is then cited for immediate memorization.

An example of simple multiplication is found on page seventeen and is as follows:
“There are fifteen bags of coffee, each of which weighs 112 pounds.  The bags which contain the coffee weigh 22 pounds.  How much would the coffee weigh without the bags?”  Answer: 1658 pounds

Page 17:  “By division we ascertain how often one number is contained in another.  The number to be divided is called the dividend.  The number to divide by is called the divisor.  The number of times the dividend contains the divisor is called the quotient.  If on dividing a number, there be any overplus, it is called the remainder.”
Federal Money
Page 22:
“Federal Money, or Money of the United States.
The denominations of Federal Money are: Eagle, Dollar, Dime, Cent, and Mill.
10 mills (m.) make 1 cent, cts.
10 cents          1 dime
10 dimes (or 100cts.)  1 dollar, D. or $
10 dollars         1 eagle”

Page 34:
“Apothecaries Weight 
By this weight apothecaries mix their medicines, but buy and sell by avoirdupois weight.  The denominations of Apothecaries weight are pounds, ounce, dram, scruple, and grain.”

Page 35:
“Cloth Measure
 By this measure, cloth, tapes & c. are measured;

Land Measure or Square Measurer:
This measure shows the quantity of lands.  The denominations of Land Measurer are acre, rood, square perch, square yard, and square foot.

Liquid Measurer
This measurer is used for beer, cider, wine & C. The denominations of Liquid Measure are tun, pips, or butt, hogshead, gallon, quart, and pint.

Dry Measurer
This measure is used for grain, fruit, salt, & c.  The denominations of Dry Measurer are bushel, peck, quart and pint.”

Page 37:
“The following is a statement of the number of days in each of the twelve months, as they stand in the calendar or almanac:
The fourth, eleventh, ninth, and sixth,
Have thirty days to each affix’d:
And every other thirty-one,
Except the second month alone,
Which has but twenty-eight in fine,
Till leap year gives it twenty-nine.”

Now that we know most of the rules and have investigated some of the frills of mathematics, let’s examine some of the more common math problems.        

Page 196:
“There is a cellar dug that is 12 feet every way in length, breadth, and depth: how many solid feet of earth were taken out of it?  Answer: 1728

How many brick 9 inches long and 4 inches wide will pave a yard that is 20 feet square? Answer: 1600”

This delightful math book goes on to deal with “Duodecimals” and “Promiscuous Questions” such as is found on page 195 and 197.

Page 195:
“A person said he had twenty children, and that it happened there was a year and a half between their ages; his eldest son was born when he was 24 years old, and the age of his youngest is 21; what was the father’s age?  Ans.73 ½ years."  

And to end this delightful excursion into long ago mathematics:

Page 197:
"A line 35 yards long will exactly reach from the top of a fort, standing on the brink of a river, to the opposite bank, known to be 27 yards from the foot of the wall: what is the height of the wall?   Ans. 22 yards 9 3/4 inches."

Would you believe that this was a 5th Grade math book? 

09 January 2016

A Journal - Elkton - McGaheysville Area

Page Seventy -two
July 1932
  1 Jul 1932 - Mr. R. C. Carrier taken over Produce.
  3 Jul 1932 - Got Ray['s] picture one year old.
26 Jul 1932 - Harner child killed on Tuesday.
22 Jul 1932 - Mr. Clara Steward died in Richmond.________ Life.
16 Jul 1932 - Mr. C. W. McGuire Class had a party. $91.04.
30 Jul 1932 - Mr. Walton's Class had Barbecue and Lawn Party.
22 Jul 1932 - Bud Fultz killed on railroad track.
    Jul 1932 - Mr. E.W. Deal in Hospital.
    Jul 1932 - Brill new Electric Stove.
Page Seventy-three
August 1932
  2 Aug 1932 - Went to camp on top of mountain at Hotel Monday.
  2 Aug 1932 - Taken Charles Fitzwater to Hospital.
  6 Aug 1932 - Ladies A[ide?] had lunch over at Longley's.
  2 Aug 1932 - Miss Ruth Wyant married Grubb.
  7 Aug 1932 - Came home from camp.
  8 Aug 1932 - Miss Minnie Plum operated on.
  4 Aug 1932 - Mrs. Helen Monger Rogers operated on.
     Aug 1932 - Mrs. Emanuel Morris new baby 10 lbs.
   9 Aug 1932 - J.T. Heard Sale.
 10 Aug 1932 - Erwell Shugrue drowns. Sixteen years old twenty-five days.
 10 Aug 1932 - Mr. Ed McGahey died age seventy-seven years.
 12 Aug 1932 - E gal produce started coming.
 10 Aug 1932 - Hasler boy drowns. twenty-one ears old. Son of Mr.[Ascas?] Hasler.
 12 Aug 1932 - Tom Ware fifty-three years old goes to pen for ten years.
  8 Aug 1932 - Mr. Andy Codey died.
 18 Aug 1932 - Mrs. Eua Fisher Stanley new baby girl.
 18 Aug 1932 - Mrs. Helen [Monger] Rogers came home from Hospital.
      Aug 1932 - Mrs. Hubert Dean twins boy Mensel Lee and Hirsel Luther Dean.
Page 74
August 1932
 23 Aug 1932 - Mr. Dovel house burned.
 22 Aug 1932 - Mrs. Charles Zetty died Age seventy-one years. Monday.
 25 Aug 1932 - Mrs. C. E. Patric funeral at Mrs. Cora Virgie.
 27 Aug 1932 - Frankie Hammers came home from pen.
 26 Aug 1932 - Mrs. Lester McGuire operated on.
 28 Aug 1932 - Mrs. Leap came down.
 30 Aug 1932 - Mrs. Lester Baugher operated on Tuesday.
 29 Aug 1932 - Mr. Harry Woodward operated on Monday.
 31 Aug 1932 - Eclipse of Sun on Wednesday.
 21 Aug 1932 - I got wool hose from hangers.
     Aug 1932 - Mrs. Laura Hensley Lam in Hospital.
     Aug 1932 - Paul Hitt moves to Pence House.
 20 Aug 1932 - Round trip to Roanoke for $1.00.