28 June 2015

Emigration - Immigration

Arrival at Jamestown
The word, emigration, is defined by the Library of Congress as, the act of leaving one’s country to live somewhere else.  It may also be defined as, the act of moving from one country to another with the intent of not returning.

Emigration is to be distinguished from the word, expatriation, which means, the abandonment of one’s country and the renunciation of one’s citizenship in that country.

 In many instances expatriation is a result or the consequences of emigration because emigration denotes the removal of a person and that person’s property to another country.  Sometimes, emigration is  used in reference to the removal of a person from one section to another section of the same country.

 Immigrant is normally defined as the person who emigrates or enters another country with the intent of becoming a permanent resident of that nation.
Jamestown Island - May 2007 - 400th Anniversary 

 The U.S. Federal Government did not require captains or masters of vessels to present a passenger list to U.S. officials before January 1, 1820.  The lists that remain for the period before 1820 are varied in content. They range from lists that contain names only to those citing a person's full name, age, and country of origin.
There were approximately 650,000 individuals of all nationalities who arrived in America prior to 1820.  They were predominately English and Welsh with smaller numbers of German, Irish, Scotch-Irish, Dutch, French, Spanish, African, and other nationalities. These folk [immigrants] tended to settle in the eastern, middle-Atlantic, and southern states.

There were over ten million immigrants that arrived from northern Europe, the British Isles, and Scandinavia between 1820 and 1880. Starting in the 1840’s and 1850’s there was a large increase in the number of immigrants from both Germany and Ireland.  Some of these folk settled in large eastern and mid-western cities, but most migrated to the mid-west and western parts of our nation.

More than twenty-five million immigrants, mainly from southern and eastern Europe came to America during the period between 1880 and 1920. Many of these individuals came from Germany, Italy, Ireland, Austria-Hungary, Russia, and England. Many of these folk settled in the larger cities, including New York City, Chicago, and Philadelphia.

Castle Garden [now Castle Clinton] was America's first immigrant receiving center.  From the 1st of August 1855 it welcomed more than eight million immigrants that arrived in the state of New York before it was closed on the 18th of April 1890. Castle Garden was succeeded by Ellis Island in 1892.
Ellis Island 1905
Ellis Island opened in 1892 as a federal immigration station, a great change was taking place in immigration to the United States. Immigrants poured in from southern and eastern Europe as arrivals from northern and western Europe–Germany, Ireland, Britain and the Scandinavian countries–slowed. Jews escaping from political and economic oppression in czarist Russia and Eastern Europe [in 1910 some 484,000 arrived] and Italians escaping poverty in their country. There were also Poles, Hungarians, Czechs, Serbs, Slovaks and Greeks, along with non-Europeans from Syria, Turkey and Armenia who all left their homes in the Old World due to war, drought, famine and religious persecution.  All hoped for greater opportunity in the New World. One such person was the composer, Irving Berlin who arrived in 1893.  We all remember at least a few of the many songs that  Irving Berlin contributed to our nation's musical heritage  including: God Bless America, Easter Parade and White Christmas. 

Ellis Island officially closed in 1954.  It has been estimated that forty per cent of all current citizens of the United States can trace at least one ancestor who arrived in America via Ellis Island. Ellis Island opened to the public in 1976. Now, the Ellis Island Immigration Museum in the restored Main Arrivals Hall may be toured and folk may trace their ancestors through millions of immigrant arrival records made available to the public in 2001.

Custom Passengers Lists were kept by the Customs Department from 1820 - 1902.  The Immigration and Naturalization Service started keeping records in 1883.  These records are  referred to as Immigration Passenger Lists.

21 June 2015

A Journal - Elkton - McGaheysville, Virginia Area

Miss Lottie M. Davis
Today, we continue our visit to the Elkton - McGaheysville area in Rockingham County, Virginia as seen through the eyes of Miss Lottie M. Davis as she recorded the events of 1928 in her "Journal".  It is important for us to remember that there was still no uniform spelling of words at this time.  Most people spelled words, including names, as they sounded to them in their own language.

Part Five
Page Twenty-one
1928 -January
15 Jan 1928 - Mrs. Iris Secrist New boy Richard.
19 Jan 1928 - Uncle Dave Davis died.
19 Jan 1928 - Mrs. Buck Kite died.
19 Jan 1928 - Mrs. Bob Cash new baby.
30 Jan 1928 - Lura new baby.
28 Jan 1928 - New electric washing machine.
21 Jan 1928 - Centrill Dean sent on road.
__ Jan 1928 - Earl new phone put in.
20 Jan 1928 - Lucile operated.

Page Twenty-two
1928 - February
23 Feb 1928 - New oil stove from Mable $20.00.
1 Feb 1928 - Lloyd Merica new baby.
__ Feb 1928 - Clyde Koontz left home.
4 Feb 1928 - Jim Tuckin killed.
__ Feb 1928 - Fix River bridge at Elkton.
10 Feb 1928  - Busy Bees Supper made $ 96.54.
10 Feb 1928 - Uncle Henry Harmen died colored.
21 Feb 1928 - Miss Mary Burck [Burk or Burke?] died.
19 Feb 1928 - Mrs. Jim McGahey new boy Billie.
17 Feb 1928 - Rev. G. W. Glegg died Lacey Spring.
1 Feb 1928 - Mrs. Lloyd Merica new baby. [This is the second entry for this event.]
__ Feb 1928 - Mrs. Charles Zetty operated on.
24 Feb 1928 - Ladies Aid Supper.
26 Feb 1928 - Mrs. T. Downs hurt.
6 Feb 1928 - Iris Wyant new baby.
6 Feb 1928 - Mrs. Harold Workman new baby.
15 Feb 1928 - Rolston & Mae King were married.
__ Feb 1928 - Miss Scruggs married.
29 Feb 1928 - Mr. J. S. Eaton moved.
__ Feb 1928 - Adia Moaten operated on.

Page Twenty-three
1928 - March
6 Mar 1928 - Mrs. I.L. Flory operated on.
__ Mar 1928 - Harold Victrola. [Victrola is an early form of a record player.]
8 Mar 1928 - Mr. Ed Hawkins died age 71 years.
__ Mar 1928 - Mrs. Russell Hensley new baby.
__ Mar 1928 - Blake Shifflett shot.
__ Mar 1928 - Herman Longley operated on.
20 Mar 1928 - Mrs. Leap came home.
3 Mar 1928 - Pauline Smith married.
1928 - April
7 Apr 1928 - Show of cards from L.A.S.
9 Apr 1928 - Mrs. John Shuler operated on.
14 Apr 1928 - Mrs. Sam Breeden.
13 Apr 1928 - Mr. H. Longley child dies.
16 Apr 1928 - Mrs. Rose Morris died.
17 Apr 1928 - Mable Electric Washing Machine,
19 Apr 1928 - Sarah Morris operated on.

Page Twenty-four
20 Apr 1928 - Houk Breeden shot.
24 Apr 1928 - Lura Frazier moved in new home.
21 Apr 1928 - Helen Monger married.
__ Apr 1928 - Water System completed.
27 & 28 Apr 1928 - snow fell.
__ Apr 1928 - New preacher at Presbyterian.
1928 - May
__ May 1928 - New walk on back.
5 May 1928 - New crutches.
9 May 1928 - Mable had teeth taken out.
__ May1928 - Mrs. Joe Shigar [Sughrue?] new baby.
23 May 1928 - Mammie Morris died.
24 May 1928 - Mildred Monger operated.
30 May 1928 - Miss Sedrick of Shenandoah killed.
30 May 1928 - New road open Spotswood Trail.
31 May 1928 - Harry Comer killed.

Page Twenty-five
1928 - June
2 Jun 1928 - Busy Bees Lawn Party made $ 73.00.
2 Jun 1928 - Mr. Parrish Funeral.
4 Jun 1928 - F. Shifflett child died.
3 Jun 1928 - Mrs. Nancy Dicison [Dixon or Dickerson?] new baby.
9 Jun 1928 - Mable gets new teeth.
9 Jun 1928 - Mrs Sallie Miller died age 89 years.
__ Jun 1928 - Elizabeth Thomas graduates.
19 Jun 1928 - Willie moved.
18 Jun 1928 - Mrs. Lizzie Thacher [Thacker?] died age 49 years.
24 Jun 1928 - Mrs. Selena Shipp died age 79 years.
25 Jun 1928 - Childrens Day at U.B.C. [United Brethren Church].
27 Jun 1928 - Mr. Jones died 75 years.
30 Jun 1928 - Irene Long married.
30 Jun 1928 - Ladies Aid Lawn Party.

Page Twenty-six
1928 - July
31 Jul 1928 - Mr. Andrew Hensley died age 36 years.
1 Jul 1928 - Mrs. Foltz went back to Mrs. Leap.
2 Jul 1928 - New swing came.
3 Jul 1928 - Mrs. Claude Baugher new baby.
6 Jul 1928 - Virginia Talifarro married.
9 Jul 1928 - Lewis Lambert killed by lighting.
11 Jul 1928 - Lester Baugher child died.
8 Jul 1928 - Mrs. Fred Baugher visits Elkton.
__ Jul 1928 - Mable had papering done.
20 Jul 1928 -Mr. Andrew Hensley hurt.
19 Jul 1928 - Mr. Henry Good died.
21 Jul 1928 - Jess Hammer killed self - 22 years.
23 Jul 1928 - Miss Kate Liggett died 83 years.
20 Jul 1928 - Tal Hammer hurt on train.
23 Jul 1928 - Miss Clara Lambert married.
__ Jul 1928 - Mrs. Petty operated on.
__ Jul 1928 - Mrs. W. E. Deal [Diehl?] in Hospital.
25 Jul 1928 - Mrs. Mary Offenbacker died.
__ Jul 1928 - Carl Whitfield new baby.

Page Twenty-seven
1928 - August
3 Aug 1928 - Mrs. Susie Steward died sudden - 80 years.
2 Aug 1928 - Lighting struck church.
8 Aug 1928 - Mr. Sam Shifflett died 88 years.
7 Aug 1928 - Fultz child died age 4 years.
10 Aug 1928 - Mr. Frank Fultz died 80 years.
11 Aug 1928 - Mr. W. T. Miller died 65 years.
16 Aug 1928 - Graney painted bathroom.
18 Aug 1928 - Alice Hammer hit by ball.
31 Aug 1928 - Mr. Conder died age 95 years 10 months.
29 Aug 1928 - Annie Wright died colored.
29 Aug 1928 - Mr. Stawter Smith died.
18 Aug 1928 - Irene Monger married.
1928 - September
1 Sep 1928 - Clara Frey married at Kyser W.Va.
11 Sep 1928 - Dr. Fisher killed Miss Bechone  in office.
11 Sep 1928 - Child found in box.
12 Sep to 16 Sep 1928 - Conference met in Roanoke. [Church conference?]
17 Sep 1928 - School started.

Page Twenty-eight
11 Sep 1928 - Leonard Secirst [Secrist?] moves to Washington, D.C.
16 Sep 1928 - Mrs. Ruby Collman [Coleman?] Doffermyer [Dofflemyer?] died.
__ Sep 1928  - Mrs. Fannie Eaton buy new home.
19 Sep 1928 - Mrs. Gordon Baugher died age 82 years.
15 Sep 1928 - Daddy & Graney & Harold went to Roanoke.
__ Sep 1928 - Mrs. Ralph Dutrow new baby girl.
26 Sep 1928 - Mrs. Mollie Miller died 68 years..
24 Sep 1928 - Miss Ethel Gooden killed in Phila[delphia] 40 years.
29 Sep 1928 - Mrs. Alice Gilmon new baby boy.
1928 - October
1 Oct 1928 - Menfee feed store open.
3 Oct 1928 - Tomie Arementrout [Armentrout?] died 16 years 10 days.
2 Oct 1928 - Mrs. Elmore [Elmer?] Monger new baby.
3 Oct 1928 - Richard went to Loths Stove Co. work.
__ Oct 1928 - Lawrence Lam open new Store building.
__ Oct 1928 - Dr. Kite starts his new drug store.
10 Oct 1928 - Reu Compon left Elkton Va.
20 Oct 1928 - Dr. Shacklett left Elkton Va.
To be continued...

14 June 2015

The Skillet

In today's world, we tend to live in a society where almost everything is disposable.  And, we've all heard the saying that "one man's trash is another man's treasure" which is just another way of saying, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

We've all asked our-selves the question, "Exactly what is the difference between an antique and an heirloom?"  The answer is that an antique is anything over one hundred years of age while an heirloom can be anything that is passed down through a family from one generation to another.  For instance, in our family we have two thorn-less heirloom roses, one came from my husband's side of the family and the other through my own Shifflett ancestors.  Many people have treasured dishes, plants and handmade needlework pieces that are heirlooms.  An heirloom can be an antique and in the reverse, an antique can be an heirloom, but not all antiques are heirlooms and not all heirlooms are antiques.

 It is my hope that by sharing one of my favorite things with you, it will cause you to remember many such things in your own family.  If it does, please share them with the younger members of your own family.

The item is a large black cast iron skillet which measures twelve inches round without the handle and stands three inches deep.  This skillet is special to me because it belonged to my maternal grandmother,  Ruth Elizabeth Dofflemyer Lilly who reared me after the deaths of my own parents.
Ruth Elizabeth Dofflemyer Lilly
3 Nov 1899 - 23 Jan 1968
 The skillet had been given to Ruth by her paternal grandmother, Pamley Ann Rinehart Dofflemyer who had as the story goes, obtained it as a young bride from her parents, Andrew Jackson Rinehart and his wife, Elizabeth Pence Rinehart.
Pamley Ann Rinehart Dofflemyer
8 Feb 1850 - 28 Oct 1918
Pamley Ann Rineheart was one of the five daughters of Andrew Jackson Rinehart and his wife Elizabeth Pence, the daughter of Peter Pence and his wife, Sophia "Suffie" Aleshite.  Pamela's paternal grandparents were Adam Rinehart and his wife, Mary Price. Mary Price Rinehart, born 1787 [age 73] the daughter of John Price, was living with her son and daughter-in-law in the 1860 Page Co., VA Federal Census .

Children of Andrew Jackson and Elizabeth Pence Rinehart:
1. Pamley Ann Rinehart married John Wesley Dofflemyer, son of John and Nancy Dovel Dofflemyer.
2. Mary Catherine Rinehart married Andrew Jackson Campbell, son of Jonas and Elizabeth Taylor Campbell.
3. Charlotte Jane Rinehart married Philip Alger, son of Lemuel D. and Mary Ann Getts Alger.
4. Susan S. Rinehart married Albert Calvin Turner, son of Andrew Jackson and Rebecca Nauman Turner.
5. Ambrose G. Rinehart married Nancy Elizabeth Shomo, daughter of Elone William Henry and Elizabeth Frances Louderback Shomo.
6. Francis Marion Franklin Rinehart married Rebecca Susan Painter, daughter of Peter and Jinetta Painter.
7. Martha E. Rinehart married Hubert Lee Huffman, son of Mark and Barbara Catherine Brubaker Huffman.
Pamley's Skillet
 The women in this branch of my family have always been noted as great cooks and this particular skillet has always been a carefully guarded treasure.  I have many fond memories of my own grandmother frying a freshly killed chicken in this pan while she shared story after story about her own life with her grandmother who had given her this prized skillet when she married my grandfather, Claude Aldine Lilly the son of Hugh Brock and Amanda Roberta Propst Lilly.  And hopefully, my own daughters have equally fond memories of me making my special pineapple upside down cake in this very same skillet.

Any cast iron utensil  is a treasure that should be respected.  It will last for many generations if given good care.  In fact, the more it is used, the better it works. For this type of pan to cook its best, it is imperative to care for it properly which means that it should never be washed with soap or detergent and never, ever put into a dishwasher.  It should be washed with only hot water after each use, and this does means that it should be done while the pan is still hot.

If, for any reason, the skillet needs scouring it is best to use something such as Morton's Kosher Salt to accomplish the task.  Scrub  the salt around the sides and bottom of the pan with a stiff brush or even rub it on with a paper towel. If something is still stuck, loosen the residue by putting the pan back on the stove and boil water in the pan until it loosens. Dry the pan immediately and then heat it for two or three minutes to open the pores of the iron.  Then apply a thin coating of lard or a really good vegetable oil.  For pans with lids, it is important to add a wad of paper to keep the pan dry.  The lid should be kept ajar as you do not want it to ever rust.

To properly season a cast iron utensils one must rub the iron deposits  with steel wool to remove all rust. Rub hot fat or oil all over the clean utensil [outside as well as inside]. Wipe away all excess fat/oil.  Bake the utensil upside down on a rack in an oven.  Be sure to put a sheet of foil on the shelf beneath the pan or an old cookie sheet.  Repeat oiling and baking until the utensil is well seasoned. An egg fried in a well seasoned skillet will not stick.

07 June 2015

A Journal - Elkton - McGaheysville, Virginia Area

Miss Lottie M. Davis 

Part Four
Page Fifteen
January 1927
12 Jan 1927 - Dr. T.C. Firebaugh died age 56 years.
10 Jan 1927 - Mr. Joe Cash died.
14 Jan 1927 - Mr. Isaac Hammer died.
12 Jan 1927 - Mrs. S. L. Baugher died age 54. 
Jan 1927 - Miss Annie Argenright in hospital
20 Jan 1927 - Mrs. Russell Hensley new baby.
Jan 1927 - Lester MGuire moved to Rhoda.
Jan 1927 - Build Standard Oil Company.
February 1927
1 Feb 1927 - Tall Stanley child died 2 years.
5 Deb 1927 - Miss Anna Funkhouser died 75 years.

Page Sixteen
March 1927
18 Mar 1927 - Mrs. Baughter get Miss Mollie place.
14 Mar 1927 - Mrs. Swartzle other died.
18 Mar 1927 - Miss Mollie J Sale on Saturday.
11 Mar 1927 - Mr. I. H. Hammer died age 78 years.
5 Mar 1927 -  Irene Monger and Mary Long married.
24 Mar 1927 - Limb taken off by Dr. Deyler and Dr. Miller.
27 Mar 1927 - Mr. Bob Frazier died.
24 Mar 1927 - Limb taken off by Dr. Deyler and Dr. Miller. [2nd entry for this]
April 1927 
14 Apr 1927 - Came home from Hospital.
28 Apr 1927 - New Wing on R.M.Hospital. [Rockingham Memorial Hospital].
May 1927
4 May 1927 - Mrs. W. G. Brill operated on.
13 May 1927 - Mrs. T. Farror new baby.
24 May 1927 - Mrs. Joe Sugher [Sughrue] operated on.
15 May 1927 - Mrs. Homer Monger died age 28 years.
16 May 1927 - New paper on 3 [three] bedrooms.
 2 [?] May 1927 - Mr. Aaron Davis died.

Page Seventeen
21 May 1927 - Mr. W. A. Sandridge died 88 mashie [spelled correctly].
30 May 1927 - Eula McGuire gravated [graduated].
16 May 1927 - Mrs. Warn McGahey died age 55 years.
21 May 1927 - Fawley moved in new home.
June 1927 
1 Jun 1927 - Alice and Jula [Julia] Keezle tonsil removed.
5 Jun 1927 - Rue  Mrs. Wood new baby.
6 Jun 1927 - Pauline Gilmore married.
7 Jun 1927 - Mattie Downs died.
9 Jun 1917 - Harold Workman.
11 Jun 1927 - Miss Carrie Rolston married.
16 Jun 1927 - Miss Cook married.
19 Jun 1927 - Miss Nancy Dyke married.
20 Jun 1927 - Mr. Bob Keezle married.
30 Jun 1927 - Mrs. Nora Whitfield Hensley died age 32.
27 Jun 1927 - Mrs. George Breeden new baby.

Page Eighteen
July 1927
1 Jul 1927 - Mrs. Farror died age 95 years.
3 Jul 1927 - Virginia married L.
10 Jul 1927 - Mr. P.B. Monger died age 84 years. [Benjamin Price Monger?]
10 Jul 1927 - Lester McGuire new baby Chas.
26 Jul 1927 - Gale Davis birthday.
30 Jul 1927 - Chas & Alice here.
30 Jul 1927 - Mr. F. Leap married.
August 1927 
5 Aug 1927 - Iris Secrist operated on.
27 Aug 1927 - Dr. L.B. Yancey died.
26 Aug 1927 - Mr. Rains died.
27 Aug 1927 - Mr. Eaton new home.

Page Nineteen
September 1927 
6 Sep 1927 - Miss Kate Lee Rolston kill self.
Sep 1927 - State road started Spotswood.
6 Sep 1927 - Mable and Earl take trip.
5 Sep 1927 - Aunt Sis Secrist moved to Washington D.C.
11 Sep 1927 - Mrs. Yancey killed by Dovel.
11 Sep 1927 - Mrs. Floyd Burke hurt.
14 Sep 1927 - U.B.C. [United Brethern Church] met in Winchester.
15 Sep 1927 - Rev. N.F. A. Cupp died at conference age 65.
15 Sep 1927 - Mr. A. J. Bear died age 78 years.
28 Sep 1927 - Mr. E. Petty died 52 years.
20 Sep 1927 - Mr. Sam Monger stable burned.
October 1927 
2 Oct 1927 - Aunt Sis here.
6 Oct 1927 - Mrs. McIntyre died age 65 years.
7 Oct 1927 - Henry Dean killed age 28 years.
20 Oct 1927 - Mrs. Joe Black new baby.
27 Oct 1927 - Arthur Hensley died.

Page Twenty
2 Oct 1927 Mrs. Charles Burner new baby.
24 Oct 1927 - Miss Cora Lee Yate operated on.
Oct 1927 - Miss Ruby Maiden married.
November 1927 
Nov 1927 - New water pipe layed.
11 Nov 1927 - Mrs. Hammer died Harrisonburg age 84 years.
14 Nov 1927 - Bill goes to M.G.
17 Nov 1927 - Laurence Frazier drown in Boom [Boone] Creek age 54 yrs. 8 mo. 17 dys.
5 Nov 1927 - Mrs. Site new baby.
19 Nov 1927 - Norwood Workman operated on RMH [Rockingham Memorial Hospital].
26 Nov 1927 - Kisting [Kissling] shot by Caldwell.
28 Nov 1927 - Stated painting house.
27 Nov 1927 - Alice Monger married Nash.
27 Nov 1927 - Mr. Charles Armentrout died.
24 Nov 1927 - Annie Hammer married.
29 Nov 1927 - Lelia [Lelia Davis Monger] operated on.

Page Twenty-One
December 1927
2 Dec 1927 - John Eaton died age 74 yrs.
5 Dec 1927 - Mrs. Ed Jome died age 58 yrs.
7 Dec 1927 - Killed Hogs. 450# 14 c [cents] $63.77.
10 Dec 1927 - Lelia [Lelia Davis Monger] came home.
9 Dec 1927 - Clara Molone operated on.
12 Dec 1927 - Rev. Mr. Dycke died age 83 yrs.
29 Dec 1917 - Charles Keezle married.

To be continued: